The Battle For Your Databases

There’s a battle going on right now between all of the public cloud vendors – a war in the clouds. And you might be surprised to hear what they are fighting over… They are fighting over you. Or, more specifically, your business-critical databases.

Everybody has something in the cloud these days. On a personal level, we are all keeping our photos, our music and our emails in the cloud. Corporations have followed suit: email, document collaboration and workflow, backups, websites… Almost everything is in the cloud. Almost.

The Big Scary Stuff That Nobody Wants To Move

Pretty much every company with an on-prem presence will have one or more relational databases underpinning their critical applications. Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB/2 (the forgotten database of yesteryear: it’s still out there, but nobody likes to talk about it), MySQL… these products support mission critical applications like CRM, ERM, e-commerce, all those SAP modules that I can never remember the names of… And in each industry vertical, there are critical systems: healthcare has Electronic Patient Records, retail has its warehouse management platforms, finance has all manner of systems labelled Do Not Touch.

These workloads are the last bastion of on-prem, the final stand of the privately-managed data centre. And just like mainframes, on-prem may never completely die, but we should expect to see it fade away this decade. The challenge, though, is the inertia caused by such massive amounts of complexity and the associated risk of disturbing it. I have witnessed DBA teams who draw lots over which unfortunate will have to log on to “that database”, the one in the corner that nobody understands or wants to touch when it’s working ok. So how are they going to migrate that entire thing into AWS or Azure? Everybody knows a story about an eighteen-month migration project that overran budget by 1000% and then failed, right?

The View From The Clouds

So you may ask, if all this complex, gnarly stuff is full of risk, why do the hyperscalers want it? The answer is, because this is the biggest game left on the hunting ground. These vast technology stacks are the crown jewels of on-prem data estates. If you are Cloud Vendor A, there are some important reasons why you really want to capture this workload into your cloud:

  1. Big applications and databases require a large recurring spend on premium cloud infrastructure
  2. Customers are used to spending large amounts of money to run these services
  3. The surrounding application ecosystem offers potential for the upsell of further cloud services (analytics, AI, business intelligence etc)
  4. Once that workload comes into your cloud, it’s probably never leaving. In other words, it’s a long-term guaranteed revenue stream.

The last point is especially important: vendors use the term sticky to describe workloads like this. The effort of migrating all that sensitive, critical data and all that impenetrable business logic (written ten years ago by developers who have long since moved on) means you are never going to want to do this more than once. Once it’s in, it’s in.

A Massive Anchor

Working with one of the hyperscalers, I have heard these databases described as anchor workloads (credit: Kellyn Pot’vin Gorman) because they are what holds back the migration of large, juicy and complex environments into the public cloud. Like the biggest beast on the savannah, they are the hardest to take down… but a successful capture means everybody gets to eat until they are full.

So if this is you – if you are in fact a massive anchor – it’s probably worth keeping this in mind. Migrating your complex, challenging workload to the public cloud might seem like a mammoth task from your perspective, but to the hyperscalers you are the goose that lays the golden egg. And they can’t wait to get cracking.

Side note: I originally planned to call this post “Cloud Wars”, but I discovered that my former Oracle colleague, the inestimable Bob Evans, had beaten me to it…

One Response to The Battle For Your Databases

  1. Tony King says:

    Chris – as ever a thought provoking article. Wouldn’t nirvana be where these anchor workloads could easily be migrated in AND out of the Cloud (or even between Cloud Vendors)? At the end of the day the Cloud is just another Datacentre and you would only put workloads there if it made technical and commercial sense – you should have flexibility and choice. The customer needs to retain control and not get drawn into ‘vendor stickiness’.

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